Fatimata Sy

About Me:

Fatimata Sy is the former Director of the Coordination Unit for the Ouagadougou Partnership, a collaboration between nine Francophone West African governments; private, government, and multilateral donors

Fatimata Sy is the former Director of the Coordination Unit for the Ouagadougou Partnership, a collaboration between nine Francophone West African governments; private, government, and multilateral donors; and countless civil society organizations to elevate FP throughout the region. Mrs. Sy is trained as a biologist, Nutritionist and Public Health Specialist and has over 35 years’ experience in international development and public health designing, managing, and evaluating programs in Africa, and building consensus among diverse stakeholders. Prior to her current role, Mrs. Sy served as the Task Manager for the Health Sector program for World Bank Senegal, the GFATM Liaison for the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and USAID West Africa, the Director of FHI360’s West African Regional HIV/AIDS Project, and Country Director for FHI360 in Senegal, among other roles.
Currently she is member of CIFF Program Investment Committee, In their Hands and Tostan Boards

Mrs. Sy has a Masters of Public Health from The Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and a University Technical Diploma from the Technology Institute of Nancy, France. Mrs. Sy is fluent in French, Wolof, Puular, and English.
